First Look: Marvel’s ‘Avengers Assemble’ – Poster


“Marvel’s Avengers Assemble” reunites the most popular super hero team – Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow, along with newcomer Falcon, marking the first time in animation history this distinct team of heroes will join forces. Led by Iron Man, the heroes train and live together in their new headquarters in Avengers Tower. The planet’s most dangerous villains don’t stand a chance when the Avengers assemble – whether they are stopping Dr. Doom from conquering Asgard, Attuma driving the Atlantean Army into New York City or Dracula unleashing vampire hordes, the Avengers must work together to succeed.

First of all, I’m still MAD AS HELL  Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes was cancelled in order to make way for this show post-Marvel acquisition.  While I was originally distracted by the animation, the story lines were AWESOME and I truly enjoyed watching the series week-to-week.  However, from all that I’m reading about Avengers Assemble, I may end up falling in love with this new series as well, but – only time will tell.  And truth to be told, they have a LOT to live up.

The Disney XD cartoon will have a special preview on May 26th at 11:00 AM, then premiere July 7th, at 11:00 AM.

At least Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., which also got as new poster and premiere date (August 11th), looks reliably terrible.

Bonus Poster:

Hulk and the Agents of Smash (Ausgust 11)…  more on this later.  Now, THIS

[Via Spinoff]