What I’m Watching On #GeekTV DVR This Week

The new fall TV season has started and quite frankly, there are just too many shows on now.  I can only watch so many in any one week and I’m almost certain half of these shows will be kicked to the curb within the first 6-8 weeks, but for now here are my thoughts on a few of the new additions to the fall TV line-up.


Limitless (CBS)

Probably the series I enjoyed more than anything else I’ve watched thus far, this is the continuation of the 2011 movie starring Bradley Cooper, who also makes a cameo appearance.  Not to get too long in the tooth in this mini-review, but I felt that it had established a pretty good place to jump off from.  You have the reason, the how and soon the what of the story.  Meaning, we’ve established that Brian Finch had a valid reason for taking the NZT drug that gave him his super intelligence.  We know that due to his super intelligence he’ll be working with the FBI to solve a string of high-profile cases over the season.  However, we don’t know who is supplying the NZT nor what the overall arc of the show will be outside of the mystery supplier.  So, now Senator Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is enlisting Brian to do be his eyes, ears and hands to do – something – for him.  So, the mystery is afoot.  It’s an arms race in the “intelligence” market and I’ll be sticking around to find out what happens.

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